Saturday, August 23, 2008

I spy something green...

Ok blogger fans ( all two of you ) hold on... I will be posting twice in one day!!!! I just hope this types out as funny as it happened in the car on the way home from the sprinkler park. Micah was laughing so hard he almost had to pull the van over and I was trying to help drive but I was choking on my blizzard...
We're playing i spy which with a 5 and 3 year old is somewhat limiting as are the knock knock jokes they tell but still we plug on...
we made one rule and the thing you spied had to be in the car...
It was my turn and I spied something green
Miss E guesses the grass outside...
Micah guesses O's nukie
it was the temp light in the car
Miss e's turn to go and she spies something green
I guess the grass outside (cause I wasn't sure if she got the rules )
Micah guesses O's nukie
It was something random in the car
Micah's turn to go and he spies something green...
Evie goes oh I know !! It's the grass!!!
( it was the nukie)
ok this was way funnier in person... but still omg
gotta love the babies!

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