Saturday, August 23, 2008

I spy something green...

Ok blogger fans ( all two of you ) hold on... I will be posting twice in one day!!!! I just hope this types out as funny as it happened in the car on the way home from the sprinkler park. Micah was laughing so hard he almost had to pull the van over and I was trying to help drive but I was choking on my blizzard...
We're playing i spy which with a 5 and 3 year old is somewhat limiting as are the knock knock jokes they tell but still we plug on...
we made one rule and the thing you spied had to be in the car...
It was my turn and I spied something green
Miss E guesses the grass outside...
Micah guesses O's nukie
it was the temp light in the car
Miss e's turn to go and she spies something green
I guess the grass outside (cause I wasn't sure if she got the rules )
Micah guesses O's nukie
It was something random in the car
Micah's turn to go and he spies something green...
Evie goes oh I know !! It's the grass!!!
( it was the nukie)
ok this was way funnier in person... but still omg
gotta love the babies!

We already had a bath once this week!

today over breakfast (cinnamon toast crunch & bananas ) I told my two daughters that in addition to any fun we'd be having this day that we'd also be having a bath at some point. To which my almost 6 yr old replies but mom... we already had a bath once this week!

OMG seriously i know that summer is a time of relaxation and technically when you swim everyday you are by default sort of clean anyway, but no way am i going to be starting off the year of kindergarten with the stinky kid in class... Buy stock in soap kids we're going to be getting squeaky....

Saturday, August 2, 2008


so he's a boy!! Our newest little bundle is a bouncing baby boy! Why by the way do they say that ? Did someone at some point try to bounce their son and he did ? ugh ...
Well I thought he would be a boy, only because I was hoping that the facial hair i was growing was due to his testosterone and not because I was becoming scary facial hair lady... whew...
well whew for now I guess that facial hair thing is just one fantastic thing about getting old which I am... I will be going on 62 when my little boy is 30! holy crap!
Speaking of crap I have a myth to debunk about boys are so easy la dee freakin da!
I think that easy is determined by that person. Granted girls bring with them a certain level of drama and divaishness and hysteria. I know I am one and I have two girls that can make that happen for you at any point. But when it comes to changing a diaper it's pretty straightforward.
So far in our short 4 weeks as a couple orion has peed on me several times to which I stand there and take it only regisitering the act about when he finishes up... and cleaning poop off of balls is like playing poop tag and I am always loosing that game too! haa ! well no other complaints from me. He's a wonderful baby who wasn't named JR thank goodness, and was named after a constellation (the hunter ) and also for the reason that my husband said was that it reminded him of us when we were dating and always went out stargazing.
Miss E can't wait to get to pick him up and walk around with him which i won't let her and ruby is all over patting him on the head and then telling me to put him down so we can go play!